Rumour LaJeunesse

Rumour LaJeunesse's Fundraiser

RMYC is making a difference and so can you. image

RMYC is making a difference and so can you.

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$20 towards $5,000

Join me in supporting real change for the next generation of leaders. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help Corpsmembers find their pathway to a healthy and productive life for Rocky Mountain Youth Corps. Here is my story:

A lot of you may not know, but I almost didn't graduate high school, and I wasn't even planning on going to college. A lot of things shifted in my personal life when I was transitioning from high school to college; transitioning from adolescence to adulthood.

A drastic change had occurred to the point where I felt like I was drowning. I am so grateful to the people who supported me through these traumas and I am grateful that Rocky Mountain Youth Corps was a part of that support.

Yes, the financial opportunity they had given me was an amazing help during that time, but Rocky Mountain Youth Corps filled my toolbox with confidence, tools for life, leadership skills, and a sense of belonging during a time where I am not sure I would have made it out alive.

The best part is that they fill so many youth's toolboxes with these life saving skills. Rocky Mountain Youth Corps has really been such a huge stepping stone for me. Had they not been there to guide me in a direction of my choosing, giving me the confidence and opportunities, I would not be where I am today.

Today, I am a wildland fire fighter. I am making a difference in my community beyond the corps. Today, I am able to look someone in the eyes and say "It gets better" and mean it with every fiber of my being.

Please help this program stay alive by donating what you can. You're not donating to a conservation corps, you're donating to hope for so many youth. By donating, you're fostering the future.